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Special Meeting Of Directors


A special meeting of the Board of Directors of [Name of Corporation] was held at the office of the Corporation,
at [Address] on [Date of Meeting] at [Time of Meeting]. The following directors were present and participating at the meeting:

[Name of Directors]

being all of the directors of the Corporation.

[Name of President] President of the Corporation, acted as Chairman of the meeting, and [Name of Secretary] Secretary of the Corporation, acted as Secretary of the meeting.

The Secretary put forth and read a waiver of notice of the meeting signed by all the directors, and accordingly, filed a copy of the waiver with the minutes of the meeting.

The Chairman stated that a quorum of the directors was present, and that the meeting, having been duly converted, could transact business.

On the motion duly made and seconded, and after due deliberation, the following resolution was adopted:


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
